An Index of Studies 1-10

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The first 10 studies of this blog are listed, along with a brief synopsis of content.  Topics covered are:

Church leadership’s roles and responsibilities
Christianity defined
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Who others thought Jesus was

A number of small groups around the world download these studies and simply work through them, Bible in hand.  (I often get the benefit of receiving further insight and/or becoming aware of mistakes I have made)   The result is intimate, knowledgeable fellowships and incredibly changed, empowered lives.  Exactly what Christ promises.


 The True Purpose of Christ’s Ministers ….. Ephesians 4:11-24   What do true church leaders look like?  How do they act.  How can you tell whether or not they are serving God, or just their own passions?  What is the effect of a Godly minister?

 To Judge or not To Judge    What is judgment?  What to judge, what not to judge, when to judge, how to judge, why to judge.

 True Christianity – in a Nutshell  A summary of true Christianity.  How to get it.  How to walk in it.  What it looks like, feels like.  What good it does.  What is its true spiritual reality?

 Who put the Tree in the Garden?    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Man’s downfall.  Why did God put it there….. if He even did!

 What was The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?    What exactly was it?  An apple tree?  Why was it sinful?  What was that first sin.  Why did it conquer man.  Why does it conquer man today.

Who was Jesus … What Others Thought … All New Testament References   One day I was reading a book, and in it the author said that many men in the New Testament thought that Jesus Christ was God.  So I read the New Testament through, and marked down every reference to what or who anyone thought Jesus was.  This is the result.  If you find any I missed, let me know!

Grace    Seeks to clarify understanding of grace.  To get the word grace out of the realm of religion and into everyday life.  Does grace only come from God?

 What or Who is antichrist?    Totally exposes this spirit, which has been with us for 2,000 years.  What it looks like.  How it works.  Its true purpose.

 How to be Saved ….. X 3    Spirit, soul, body.  How salvation relates to each aspect of an individual.

 What is Fellowship?    The true church is defined by God’ Word.  The understanding of real fellowship is explored.



The book, Give Me Christ … Revelations of the Glorified Christ is now available on Amazon.

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I'm a 70 year old spiritual adventurer in life, but I don't really get along with organized religion. I find it too passive, too worldly, too conforming, too powerless ... though I know many wonderful believers involved in it. I have been a seeker of Jesus Christ since 1974 in Ketchikan, Alaska. Very early into my spiritual journey, I came to the realization that I wouldn't be able to last long in this new Godly relationship without becoming able to understand the Bible. God supplied that need, and shortly thereafter I became interested in Biblical research ... Greek, word studies, HOW the Bible is designed to be understood, its customs, etc. I married Sharon in 1985 in Vancouver, Canada. I have 5 children - 3 girls, 2 boys....ages 27-33. All were homeschooled. 3 are happily married. I have six grandchildren. I have taught and studied the Word of God in informal gatherings in England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Alaska, Nevada and all over the United States. In 2006 I became aware of God calling me into the revelation of the glorified Christ within, and I have been involved in making that revelation known since then. I recently moved to Bella Vista, Arkansas, after living in Fitchburg, Wisconsin (suburb of Madison) since 1990.. If you're ever in the area, please look me up. I am a retired house painter, and God is providing for my wife and I abundantly! I am meek to the instruction of God...which often occurs while another person is speaking! So don't be afraid to comment on any of these studies. Because my heart is open to my master teacher, Jesus Christ!
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