The Perfect Gods

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Two Gods.  The One, perfectly good.  The other, perfectly evil.

In two recent studies,  Dark Christian Doctrines and  Dark Christian Doctrines 2, we explored the truth of the work of Jesus Christ in separating out, or leading out into the open, the true God, his Father, and the false God, Satan, the devil.  What was portrayed as a single spiritual entity in the Old Testament, for the most part, became clearly shown as being two, absolutely distinct and separate spiritual entities in the New Testament.

John 1:17, 18  For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.  No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared (ekegeomai – to lead or bring out, to make known) him.

Verses 17 and 18 seem to be saying the same thing, in two different ways.  The law being given by Moses = no man seeing God at any time (obeying the law will never, ever bring you into the presence of God…only His spirit can do that).  Grace and truth coming by Jesus Christ = the only begotten son, who is in the bosom of the Father, making his Father known.

John 12:31   Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out (ekballo – to cast out (of hiding  into the open)).

Jesus Christ accomplished two fantastic works of exposure.  He kindly, lovingly led out into full and complete exposure the one true God, his Father.  The Creator of all things, the Father of all things spiritual, all things light and lovely.

John 14:8-10  Philip says unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us.  Jesus says unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you now known me, Philip?  He that has seen me has seen the Father; and do you say then, Show us the Father.  Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?  The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself; but the Father that dwells in me, He does the works.

He also forced the hand of the god of this world out into the open, for all to see.  By his death and resurrection, the prince of this world has been exposed and judged.

John 16b:7, 8, 11   …but when I depart, I will send him (the Holy Spirit) unto you.  And when he is come, he will reprove (reveal the true nature of a thing by the light of truth) the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment;  Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

Those words, judgment and judged, are the same root word, krino, and mean a dividing or separating out.  If you’re a parent and have children, you’re probably familiar with times when your children get into an argument.  You hear the arguing, the disagreement.  Maybe it increases in intensity and volume, so finally you step in.  You “get to the bottom” of the matter, and you make a judgment, who is to blame, who did what incorrectly, who is to be punished, or corrected, etc.  This is the judgment spoken of here.

You see (or hear) an argument going on in the Old Testament, but no distinction is made as to who is to blame…..only man seems to get the blame.   Because of the work of Jesus Christ in leading out into the open his Father, the devil showed his hand (a poker reference), in that he caused to be killed the innocent one, who deserved no death.  God, the Father of Jesus Christ, justly raised him from the dead, and in so doing caused the judgment of guilt to be imposed upon the guilty party …. Satan.  This judgment has the immediate effect of exposing to view the evil one, who prior to this judgment was hidden from view.

And now can be fully and completely displayed the absolute perfection and distinction of the two Gods, who in the Old Testament were both hidden from view, but who are now, through Jesus Christ, exposed to view.  The one, perfectly good.  The other, perfectly evil.

John 10:10a   The thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy (all the time in every way).

John 10:10b   I am come that they might have life (zoe – life in all its manifestations), and that they might have it more abundantly (all the time in every way).

Who kills?  Who causes death?

Hebrews 4:12b   …that through death he (Jesus) might destroy him who had the power of death; that is, the devil.

John 11:25   Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

Now, through the exposing work of Jesus Christ, carried out today in this world by the work of the Holy Spirit of God (which is the spirit of Jesus Christ), the very perfect natures of the true God, and also of the devil, are revealed to all that come to Christ.

Mark 10:18  And Jesus said unto him, Why do you call me good?  There is none good but one, God.

John 8:42, 44  You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning  and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.

God is always good.  He is perfectly good at being good.   Satan always lies.  He also has  perfected his art.  He always lies.  He only comes to steal, to render us ineffective and unfruitful, to kill us.  He gives an influence that is made up of 80% truth and 10% half-truth and 10% lies, and calls it truth.  If it isn’t 100% true, throw it all away and start over, seeking the goodness of God in the spirit of Jesus Christ.  That which is out of the perfectly good God is 100% true, uplifting, freeing, restorative and fruitful.

I John 4:16b  God is love; and he who dwells in love, dwells in God, and God in him.

I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour;

Not some of the time, but all of the time and in every way….. God loves, Satan devours.

Ephesians 1:3   Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.

I love the truth of the perfect goodness of God, but also I love the truth of the perfect evil of my adversary, Satan.  Whenever a thought, or feeling, emotion or influence wants to add to my life, empower it, enlighten it, I know it is of God.  Whenever any thought, feeling, emotion or influence wants to make my life less, make my relationship with the other person worse, more muddied; whenever that feeling or thought is dark, heavy, carnal, leading me into bondage….why then, I know that I know that it is of the evil one.  No doubt, no question, no hesitation.  I judge my thoughts by where they want to take me….by whether they want to add to my life or subtract from it.

For God is good all the time.  Perfectly good.  And the devil is bad all the time.  Perfectly evil.  The problem has been that we have settled for evil and called it good.  “Well, it’s not so bad.”  If it’s not perfectly good, it’s evil!

We’re in a battle, dear people.  Jesus Christ has given us the ability to see and understand both Gods.  Now you get to choose which power, or influence, you allow your life to be guided and powered by.  Choose wisely!

Colossians 2:15   And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it (“it” being his exposure of them).



The book, Give Me Christ … Revelations of the Glorified Christ is now available on Amazon.

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See studies:
The God of Death – Part 1
The 2 Systems of God
The Law vs. Faith
Starve the Evil
The Devil, Our Enemy


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I'm a 70 year old spiritual adventurer in life, but I don't really get along with organized religion. I find it too passive, too worldly, too conforming, too powerless ... though I know many wonderful believers involved in it. I have been a seeker of Jesus Christ since 1974 in Ketchikan, Alaska. Very early into my spiritual journey, I came to the realization that I wouldn't be able to last long in this new Godly relationship without becoming able to understand the Bible. God supplied that need, and shortly thereafter I became interested in Biblical research ... Greek, word studies, HOW the Bible is designed to be understood, its customs, etc. I married Sharon in 1985 in Vancouver, Canada. I have 5 children - 3 girls, 2 boys....ages 27-33. All were homeschooled. 3 are happily married. I have six grandchildren. I have taught and studied the Word of God in informal gatherings in England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Alaska, Nevada and all over the United States. In 2006 I became aware of God calling me into the revelation of the glorified Christ within, and I have been involved in making that revelation known since then. I recently moved to Bella Vista, Arkansas, after living in Fitchburg, Wisconsin (suburb of Madison) since 1990.. If you're ever in the area, please look me up. I am a retired house painter, and God is providing for my wife and I abundantly! I am meek to the instruction of God...which often occurs while another person is speaking! So don't be afraid to comment on any of these studies. Because my heart is open to my master teacher, Jesus Christ!
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1 Response to The Perfect Gods

  1. Steve says:

    Another good teaching. Thank you for your willingness to serve the body of Christ. You are an awesome treasure my friend.

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